Friday, August 05, 2011

Fabric Friday and WIP

Yesterday Nick took Gregory to the park and I finished my last two blocks for my bee quilt (contributions came from the Boston Modern Quilt Guild and Hip to Bee Square flickr bee). I am waiting on one last block. Yesterday I finally decided to write a person in the bee who I had not received a block from- and it turns out that the package had been misplaced and she hadn't mailed it yet. Phew! I had seen her picture of what she made and I am so relieved it wasn't lost!

I love the way this quilt is looking but I am surprised at how "small" the quilt looks after having accrued blocks from two bees and making several blocks myself. Hopefully I can show you the completed top soon.

I finally spent most of my birthday money on some Joel Dewberry Heirloom. The blog world seems to really be falling hard for the Citrine pallette (orange, aqua, yellow) but I am very happy with my choice of Sapphire. If you have any suggestions for a good pattern that showcases large scale prints - let me know.

A good friend of mine is having her second baby girl in December. I want to make her a quilt and invited myself to her house with a huge bag full of fabric choices. She has a background in interior design and before I knew it - she pulled apart some of my little "themed" packets/collections and made this: a red, pink, green pallette with a hint of orange. I love it!

I told her I needed to add more, so these are the fabrics I put together on the bottom row: What do you think? I do think it needs some editing still.

I am thinking about using this brand-new sheet as sashing for the quilt. Normally I am against using anything but normal Kona - but this sheet has a nice and soft texture and has a subtle chevron pattern in it. I know that using a cheap sheet is discouraged - but this sheet is 250 thread count, 100% cotton. Any thoughts?

Hello to all of my new followers! Thanks for visiting!


Jeannette Bruce said...

I'm absolutely in love with that mosaic quilt! I plan on making one soon. Heirloom (all of it) is awesome.

Rachel said...

That lilac quilt looks amaaaaazing. Go, Laurie!!!

kanewoman said...

Hi Laurie just want you to know I am still stalking you and love everything you're doing - the bee quilt (hip to bee square) is AWESOME and seems to be coming together nicely. I love the red pink green orange pallette and have an opinion (Does that surprise you?) - I would drop the pink you show on top on the lower right of your pic - it just seems like a tad too much pink. Otherwise I LOVE the ones you chose! Keep up the good work you have inspired me more that you will ever know!

Aimee said...

Loving the mosaic quilt! The palette is so gorgeous!

I agree with the previous poster re: the left most pink in you choices - it seems redundant and you could do without it.

I have no idea about the sheets, but Crazy Mom Quilts swears by some she buys at Ikea, and I trust her recommendations!