Monday, August 20, 2012

Ornament Swap, Anyone?

[Bird Ornaments from the Purl Bee, tutorial here.]

So, my baby has definitely been giving me a run for my money lately.  I am tired.  I haven't had a full night's sleep in a long time.  This afternoon, when she went down for what I knew would be a long nap, I said, "Screw it.  I am going to take a long nap too."  Now it's nearly 2 am and I can't sleep.  She's sleeping and I am on the computer thinking about organizing a Christmas ornament swap.  I am also trying to distract myself from ordering this and this from Hawthorne Threads.

Would anyone be interested in making 6-12 of the same ornaments, sending them to others throughout the country, and receiving several handmade ornaments themselves?  There are lots of tutorials out there that seem like fun and I love the look of handmade/patchwork decor.  The only restrictions I would put forth would be that this swap would have to involve sewing the ornaments (i.e. very minimal - to no gluing), have a modern aesthetic (sorry, no Thimbleberries), and no craft felt (sorry - I've seen how badly that stuff deteriorates and I want these things to last a while).  

So, who's in?


Just Jillbean said...

Sounds like fun, I'm in!

Aimee said...

What a fun idea! I'm in!

melisgm said...

Me too!

melisgm said...

Me too!

melisgm said...

Me too!

Hema Elumalai said...

Oh the ornament birdies are so cute!

Anonymous said...

I would love this!