Friday, May 31, 2013

Cross Stitch Gifts

My sister keeps cranking out adorable cross stitch pieces for my kids.  I love it!  Unfortunately she's had some health issues lately and relaxing with a movie and some hand sewing is resulting in lots of fun pieces for my kids.
Here's some princesses for Charlotte:
And I am more than thrilled with this superhero alphabet.  Gregory is obsessed with it - I hope to finally frame it this weekend:

I am super excited to soon get started on some Gera! projects - patterns I received as a gift recently.  You can get these adorable Japanese-esque fairy tale/samplers at

But first, I am tackling this dala horse pattern.  It's pretty difficult for me so far - but I like the challenge.  I am going a little cross-eyed with the 28 count linen.  It was only a $2 pattern at  (This photo is a picture of the finished project from the website- I am not that fast!)

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

MalinisQuilts said...

These are super cute!

The horse one would be nice finish.
Can't wait to see!