Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I can see my pictures now!

Thank you to kanewoman for educating me on my mistake in navigating the posting in this blog! It is kind of embarrassing how simple it was to learn the mistake I had been making.... Now I will be back to more regular posting. I did just finish Missy's purse but will delay in showing a picture so that she can see it in person first (she's visiting in a few weeks and we can't wait!!!) Right now I am working on a baby girl quilt for an amazing friend from church who is finally expecting a little lady after 5 boys (her boys are so cute and well behaved- observing their family has really given me confidence when it comes to having a little son of my own).

And just for the heck of it, here's my score from my latest trip to Marden's. There is over 11 yards here for about $22.


kanewoman said...

Marden's, my fabric home away from home! I love that store!

melisgm said...

Oooo! I can't wait to see you and Gregory and Nick... and go to mardens!