Wednesday, November 12, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Bags

I've been busy, I will have a baby boy quilt to show you in about a week (after the recipient receives it in the mail).  I made a super cape as a birthday party gift.  If anyone has suggestions for other handmade gifts for preschoolers- please let me know.  I know I've been predictable in this department:

I've decided to take the plunge and make the Weekender.  I've been braving endless lines at Joann's to get the supplies.  I've dug into my stash and am thrilled to finally be using this awesome Echino buck print.  I've also been dabbling in a some paper pieced equilateral triangles but I am not sure exactly what direction I'm going yet:

But before I am allowing myself to dive into the Weekender, I wanted to try designing my own bag in time for the wrap up of Purse Palooza over at Sew Sweetness.  The hardest part is over (hopefully!)- I assembled four pairs of fifteen tiny flying geese.  I've made so many bags- I am excited to use techniques I've learned to create my own design but it's not been easy.  I've heard lots of people say, "I hate following patterns," but I am definitely in the opposite camp: it's so much easier when someone tells you exactly what to do!

I know I really should be working on more holiday sewing- I need more bags like I need a hole in my head- but I just can't help it.  Sometimes I just need to be creative in specific ways and then I can get back to "to do's" and deadlines.  Linking up at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday.


Sarah Fredette said...

Sometimes you just need to take a break from "the list" and do something a little more fun. As for preschooler gifts - the only thing I can think of is those crayon rolls I've seen a few places on the web. Or even just a general drawstring pouch to carry toys in?

I really need to bite the bullet and finish my Weekender... it's covered in more than a year of dust by now... tsk tsk

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

I love your rows of flying geese with their progression of dots. Great colour combination too.

Rachel said...

Cute flying geese!

Mareenchen said...

The flying geese look adorable! Great colours.

Harriet Toothfighter said...

I think preschoolers love bags. Mine does anyway. Have you seen those fish shaped pencil bags? Also, I'm super excited to see that baby boy quilt you made. I bet it's awesome.