Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Random Pre-Baby Projects

Another scheduled post-baby blog post:

A while ago, I finished the new diaper bag and later finally got around to making the matching changing pad/wipes holder.  This pattern/free tutorial by Cluck Cluck Sew is one of my most favorite items to use with a baby.  It comes together in about an hour, which honestly seems long but working with stretchy/soft fabric definitely slows me down.

 I don't love the orange fabric I chose but made the hasty decision when I only had 20 minutes to spend at Joann's and didn't want to hesitate too long when there was miraculously no lines at the cutting table.

Another project that felt like it had a definite deadline was teacher's gifts for my son's preschool teachers.  I can't believe he's going to kindergarten this fall and I am going to miss his preschool program and teachers so much!  I made the Noodlehead divided basket pattern with no divider.  Homemade bags of caramel popcorn filled the baskets.  I love those Floressence fabrics for this project!

Finally, I wanted to share some new fabrics that joined my collection for Mother's Day.  Lizzy House's Natural History is to die for, she really is one of my most favorite designers.  Here are some of my favorite prints from the collection:

A while ago, I couldn't resist the Japanese import sale at Pink Castle.  Fairy tale and text motifs are some of my favorites!

Here are some nice vintage fabrics I bought at a yard sale.  I especially love the floral on the far right:

I also picked up these lovely scarves at another yard sale for .25 cents each.

My mom totally scored some awesome fabric for me at a yard sale recently.  Solids, some of my favorite AMH voiles (1/2 yd each!), Riley Blake, and Amy Butler.  She probably paid about $1 for all of it because the lady just had her make a pile and charged her .50 cents per inch (how tall the pile was!).

Thanks for reading!  Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced and Molli Sparkles for Sunday Stash.

Total stash fabric used in this post: 1.75 yards
Total stash fabric used since 1/1/15: 56 yards
Total stash fabric used to date:  57.75 yards

1 comment:

the zen quilter said...

Cute bags - wish I'd been a sewer when mine was born, I would love have had custom bags!