Friday, October 13, 2017

Craft Fair Preparations: Seventy Zip Pouches

I've been sewing so much lately but having a hard time fitting in blogging too. I want to share a big recent finish: 70 zip pouches I completed for some upcoming craft fairs.  These took me just under two weeks to make.  All the fabric is from my stash, about half the zippers were thrifted (from some awesome yard sale scores!) and I ordered some zippers from Zipit on Etsy and I ordered some hardware from Amazon.  

I did NO craft fair sewing this past summer simply because I didn't have a lot of time and I had been wait-listed for the two shows I had applied to- I really had minimal motivation.  But within a few weeks, I got off of the wait lists and accepted to a third show.  That third show happens to conflict with one of the shows I'd disregarded - thinking I had no hope of getting in.... - so now I am double booked for November 11.  I worked it out to have my husband run one show for me and a kind friend agreed to watch my kids (in exchange for some handmade goodies).  But I basically feel like I need to have DOUBLE the inventory that I might otherwise try to carry... hence 70 zip pouches!  I spent one full weekend cutting the fabrics and interfacing and matching zippers to each pouch.  After that, I had a goal of making eight pouches per day and I pretty much stuck to that except for Sundays and one busy Saturday.  

Elm Street Quilts is running an awesome Bag It event, encouraging crafters and sewists to make bags and learn new bag making skills.  I am going to submit this post to their link-up but only count these as "6" bags because I think it would be pretty obnoxious to claim 70 entries and I seriously don't even have time to photograph all of these in small-ish groups.  Go check out the other bags people are making at the linkup!


Kay said...

These look amazing, good luck with the craft fairs. x

Danice G said...

Wow, 70 bags. You have really been busy. They are all so cute. best of luck at the fair :)

Patty said...

Wow. Those are amazing. Good luck with your selling of the bags! Thanks for sharing and linking up in Elm Street Quilts Bag It. said...

70 !!! SEVENTY !!!! oh my, you are a zipper-hero ! They are gorgeous, well done !

Danette said...

Wow! You are a bag making fiend! I hope you make lots of money on these - they are fantastic.

Yanicka said...

Talk about putting pressure on yourself!!! You did great and love each and everyone of those pouches :)

Let us know how it goes

kathy said...

I make two to pretend I am production sewing and then - I'm done.
Congrats on 70!

online dissertation writing service said...

Oh you sew those clothese yourself? That is just excellent! They look fabulous and just like any store bought clothing items. Really nice work.