Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Awesome weekend!

My mom and I went to the MFA over the weekend to take in the "To Boston with Love" efforts.  The line was clear out the door to get in,  Saturday-Monday was free admission.  

I just loved all of the flags and the whole experience of taking the "exhibit" in. 

People put a lot of effort into their flags and it was neat to see some that were obviously from far away countries. 

Kudos to Amy and Berene for putting this all together!  I love the whole project.

On Friday, my mom and I also spent time together making a trip to Marden's.  She wanted to find a specific fabric that she needed more of for a project.  I couldn't pass up the opportunity to tag along.  Right now, they have fabrics from a new manufacturer that I haven't seen there before - a company called Blend. 

I used some of my Marden's fabrics to make my first few City Sampler blocks:

These have been a little difficult for me so far but I think it's going to be a great exercise in precision and patience.  There are a lot of tiny pieces and I admit that I tend to be more "consistent" on my own projects rather than executing that perfect scant 1/4" seam.

I caught up on the Woodland Sampler.  Sewing on the tiny linen grid has presented a bit of a learning curve for me but I am getting the hang of it. 

Finally, I made a lot of progress on my Crackle and X Plus blocks but I needed a break from all the mindless piecing.  I decided to start another project: a baby-sized feather quilt.  This is the first block I put together last night - I am not sure if I will be able to get away with trimming my obvious mistake or if I will have to redo most of it.  I will show more progress soon hopefully!

Thanks for reading!


suemac said...

Cute fabric. Those blocks do require an exact 1/4" seam with all those skinny pieces.

Nilya said...

Gorgeous, that you could make it to go to the MFA.

alidiza said...

Wow!!! You've been busy;-) I can't wait to visit the MFA... can you believe we were in Maine this weekend and I didn't make it to Marden's:-( Now I'm really sorry!