Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My sewing machine is not working!

This is what I was working on when my sewing machine broke. It's the beginnings of a baby quilt for a good friend of mine..... The last time my machine stopped working, the solution was cleaning out 3 years of lint in the bobbin case area. This time, I picked up a "can of air" (the kind you buy to clean out a computer keyboard or something) this time, hopefully it will work. In the meantime, as I gear up the patience to deal with the problem, I have been reading lame-o chick lit books, working on another African-themed cross-stitch, and thinking about the next projects I want to do..... One project I need to do ASAP is clean up my craft room, 75% of my supplies are litterly on the floor right now. I am keeping my eye out for deep, tall, and narrow bookcases at yard sales- as my ideas of using large tupperware containers and my old bureau have not been terribly effective (evidenced by the current disarray of my supplies).

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