It was REALLY easy and took me less than an hour to make. It's lined with Chenille, made out of one of Michael Miller's Tada Dot prints.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Baby Stuff
Here's the portable changing pad that also has a pocket to hold wipes and diapers. I found the free tutorial here
It was REALLY easy and took me less than an hour to make. It's lined with Chenille, made out of one of Michael Miller's Tada Dot prints.
When I was dealing with a mid-summer cold several days ago, I got so bored of dumb movies- I went ahead and cut out a lot of burp cloths. I love making these- they are so cheap, easy, they use up otherwise useless pieces of batting, you don't have to worry about making them look perfect (hello! they are going to be spit up on!), and they make easy/fun gifts. I still have a lot of flannel from the Joann's day after Thanksgiving sale when it was 1.50 per yard. I will be making a lot of these hopefully.
It was REALLY easy and took me less than an hour to make. It's lined with Chenille, made out of one of Michael Miller's Tada Dot prints.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Birthday Presents
I received some really pretty Heather Ross Mendocino prints about a month ago for my b-day: (I asked for these because Ross is stopping her design of fabrics indefinitely and I also wanted to challenge myself by working with a different kind of color scheme than I usually gravitate to. This fabrics is SO soft!)
Nick also generously gave me a mix of prints I asked for as well as some patterns. I also received my first jelly roll.
It's funny how within the last year- all's I want to shop for, buy, or receive as a gift is FABRIC. There was a time in my life when I was all about clothes, shoes, books, etc.- or even times when I couldn't think of anything I really wanted. Now it's all about fabric... and I don't see that changing anytime soon. BUT- I have made a resolution to stop buying it now and then- as I often have been prone to do. So far, I have stuck to my resolution for about 3 weeks- so we'll see how it goes.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Queen Sized Quilt
A couple weeks ago I finished the 99 blocks for this quilt- and averaged doing 2 rows a week. But this past Saturday, I tackled it and got it all finished. Now I just need to add borders (which will require me to find the pattern in my really messy craft room. The fabrics include every print in the Erin McMorris Park Slope line- it's super bright and cheery. This is the first quilt I have made for myself in years- so I am excited! I will share this again with better pictures when it is completed.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
What I have Been Up To
Nick and I found out about an awesome sale at a grocery store. We bought 87 boxes of cereal- each box cost 10 cents a piece- a few varieties were 50 cents each. A sale like this seems to come around about every 6-12 months- so we take advantage of it when it comes around! We eat a ton of cereal, and I am not about to pay $4 a pop for something that lasts us both about 3 days..... We also got 48 bags of specialty Chex mix bags for about 25 cents a piece. We always brown bag our lunch, so it's nice to have a fun snack to tuck in with all the fruits and veggies we pack.
So things like this tend to take up my crafting time after work- I have also been dealing with the fatigue of pregnancy- it's all I can do to get through the work day most times at this point. I shocked myself this past Monday when I actually sewed for 4 hours- that was the pace I was going at pre-prego-ness. I managed to sew up 12 burp cloths, complete a portable changing pad/diaper case, and nearly complete the Birdie Sling I have been working on for a while. Pictures of those things are coming soon..... But meanwhile, I wanted to share some adorable handmade baby gifts I have recently received.
These sweet sweaters were knitted by a friend of mine. The picture doesn't capture the "apple green" of the first sweater. I love them!
For my birthday, my sister-in-law sent me these CUTE bibs she made from the pattern found in Amy Karol's Bend the Rules. My fave is the third one on the second row- I am a sucker for fruit-themed patterns for some reason.
Finally, Missy also made this adorable Ruby Doll. You can find the free pattern here. I absolutely love her- hopefully I have a boy, then I won't have to share her. 
More posts coming soon!
These sweet sweaters were knitted by a friend of mine. The picture doesn't capture the "apple green" of the first sweater. I love them!
More posts coming soon!
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