Monday, July 16, 2012

Double Nine Patch Completed!

My family has been attacked by a horrible stomach virus this past week.  I have never seen my son so sick and having my little baby effected has not been fun either.  There was one day where my baby was happy and healthy (and napping a lot) and my son could do no more than watch Disney movies - and this is the only reason why this quilt became completed so quickly. 
 I promise this quilt is square, it's just hard to get a picture in our backyard without wind effecting the quilt. 
 I am pretty happy with how this quilt came out.  It's 50" square, which is definitely bigger than what I would normally make for a brand new baby.  I didn't want to have leftover blocks and it can be used for a long time, right?
 I sashed the blocks in a Cosmo Cricket Early Bird cross-hatch print.
I made a pieced backing with leftover fabric pieces - a process  that always makes me feel relieved to put some prints/pieces to good use rather than continuing to languish in my stash. 
 I bound the whole quilt in a blue polka-dot binding.  I am looking forward to delivering this quilt to my friend and her new baby- but I am definitely going to wait a little while to be sure that our family is germ-free!


parsley said...

This looks amazing! I can't believe how fast you finished it!

Aimee said...

So cute Laurie! I love the layout!

Rosa said...

This is just beautiful.Love the layout!

Alexis Deise said...

This came out beautifully! I have three yards of that same yellow crosshatch I have been hoarding. :)

alidiza said...

Pretty!!! The yellow sashing ties it together so nicely and I love the polkadot binding;-) Hope everyone is feeling better!