Wednesday, March 13, 2013

UFO's and WIPs

For me, there is a difference between a UFO and a WIP.  A UFO - or UnFinished Object - is a project that I abandoned because I didn't love it and/or it had become too difficult/cumbersome to deal with. A WIP - Work in Progress - is a project that I am steadily working on, I am usually enjoying it, and I am more likely to attend to it from beginning to end without a lot of stalling.
These are my current WIP's:
My Little Apples string blocks:
I am getting frustrated with my inability to line up the corners of the red/pink strings.  My last attempt at measuring and being very precise was horrible - my "eyeballing it" attempts have actually been better.  If anyone has any suggestions/tips - please do tell!  Here's one of the worst ones: 

 Now and then, I make a few selvedge blocks, 17 are completed so far:
I recently pulled this pile of fabrics:
and I got as far as making my own custom layer cake (about 140, ten inch squares).  I plan to do a large version of the Krackle quilt.
Onto my remaining three UFO's:
This Mendocino clamshell quilt is very frustrating for me.  I could've started a college fund by reselling these fabrics - but instead, I cut a bunch of them up and made a big mess of it by allowing each row of the design to spread out farther and farther.  I have since seam-ripped the whole thing and would like to re-consider this debacle as a new project after I add a bunch of stash prints and start again:
My last two UFO's are hexagon projects.  I have this quilt top, seen here.  It just needs to be quilted and bound.  And then I have several of these flower garden blocks - I have a patchwork-y plan in mind but it will take a while before I get to it:
It feels good to have dramatically reduced my UFO pile but I just wish they were all done.  I will keep you updated on my progress.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I can show you my trick for lining up those seams during retreat. Bring them with you and I can show you how I manage to get those points to match perfectly.