Wednesday, June 25, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Custom Baby Girl Quilt

A good friend from my high school days recently contacted me for a baby quilt commission.  So flattering and exciting!  Her instructions for me were simple: she likes a modern look, the intended recipient is having a girl and loves the color yellow, and she preferred the theme of zoo animals.

I decided to adapt a pattern I'd seen in older quilting magazine and I have to confess that the (simple) quilt math about did me in.  It's very similar to the quilt design I return to often, you just can't go wrong with cute prints and solids.  I scoured my stash for girly, bright prints and felt like I broke the rules a little by adding unicorns - but I think it works.  Hopefully I will share it's completion on Friday.  Linking up with WIP Wednesday, thanks for reading!


Kathy@KayakQuilting said...

That's adorable! Love all the bright colors and fun animals!

Sarah Fredette said...

I think you have the perfect amount of yellow in there! Provided, of course you bind with yellow too. :D This is really cute and adorable!!!

MalinisQuilts said...

I love this pattern too. Cute girly quilt!

Maryse said...

Very Cute!