Tuesday, June 08, 2010

3 Hour Pillowcase

After the fun, busy-ness of the past 2 weeks, I was looking forward to getting back to doing some sewing for myself. Even though I really should've been working on the Doll Quilt Swap, the haggard off-white and light blue pillowcases on my bed were not complementing this gorgeous quilt very well..... At the last NEMQG meeting, I picked up some of the infamous Kona cotton solids at Fabric Corner. The modern quilting world is nuts for this stuff- and I think I can see why. It is affordable (@ $4 a yd online or on sale), each color is rich and deep, it has a nice texture, and it really helps showcase and often tone down the crazy fabrics us modern quilters often gravitate to.

So I figured last night, it wouldn't be too much to try and start making one of these at about 9 pm.... I didn't get into bed until midnight! What is wrong with me? I don't understand how I can make something like this, yet a simple pillowcase proved difficult and made me have to sit down with the seam ripper for quite a while! I even watched this You-Tube tutorial a few times till I finally got it right.

But here it is:
If anyone can tell me why there seems to be a "glowing" spot in this photo - I am all ears. I tried to edit it in photoshop - but obviously that didn't work.
As of this writing, I have completed one other pillowcase, 2 more to go. I plan to finish them today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He looks like his Dad!! XO