Wednesday, March 16, 2011

PJ's, Long-Arm quilting, and my fabric hiatus

This blog has been quiet for a while due to constant illness at my house. After three emotional meltdowns, two rounds of antibiotics, and lots of Tylenol - I think we are finally on the mend. It was miserable! The only good thing about it was that I had an excuse to revisit my first loved hobby, reading. I have read a lot of good books lately; like this, this, and this.

Right before virus-ville 2011 visited us, I finished these pajamas for Gregory. If they look familiar, that is because I already made them in a 9-12 months size that didn't fit him at all (even though he was maybe 6 months old). This pair is 3T, so I am thinking he will be wearing them this summer, just before his second birthday. I arranged for a bunch of friends and I to take a long-arm quilting class on March 5. Despite still dealing with the plague, I went (BIG MISTAKE!). I was too comatose to even think about taking pictures, so I will have to refer you to my friend's blog post to see what the class was like. Despite feeling like death, I scheduled with Laurena to come back a week later to quilt my first quilt. Here are a few pictures:

I thought that starting my long-arm career with doing a pantograph would be the best way to go. Next time I feel more keen to try free-motion quilting. Overall, it was a good experience. The only problem was that this quilt top had thick fusible web on the border flowers and ric-rac - the machine didn't like either of those elements.

I will show the completed quilt once I am able to bind it.
The only thing I really sewed within the last few weeks was an apron for my future sister-in-law. I loosely followed a Joann's $1 sale "Sewing For Dummies" pattern and chose fabrics from my stash.

I think the pear fabric is adorable and I still have a yard left - maybe I will make an apron for me at some point. I was really thrilled with how well the Michael Miller Brown Henna Garden fabric went with the fruit fabric.

Finally, I am proud to report that I have not bought fabric in about a month. The last two things I bought was this awesome Ugly Duckling (and gender neutral) fabric from Lizzy House (pictured below) and I bought a few yards of this versatile dot by Jennifer Paganelli at a LQS. I have unsubscribed from most email fabric newsletters and I am simply trying to save my pennies for fabric I really want. I am excited for Sherbet Pips, Aviary 2, and 1001 Peeps. Having too much fabric can feel like a big "to do" list and it feels good to focus on what I have instead of acquiring more - always in fear that things go out of print or won't go on sale again.


Jen said...

Glad to hear everyone is feeling better. I'd say you've done quite a bit considering. Way more than I have in the past three weeks since I was traveling for two and have been flat on my back for another.

Can't wait to see the finished quilt. I see some Art Gallery fabrics, which I just love.

Jeannette Bruce said...

Sounds like your life has been the same as mine of late. Just over two months of constant illnesses with my two boys. That's not easy! Love those ducks! I got some of those as well as I love them. Good job on the long arm! I plan to get on that as soon as I start having some real time again. Maybe a year or so off... Love the pj's, I should make another pair of those for my boys.

melisgm said...

Hey, that Lizzie House Duckling material is in the quilt I made for Gregory! So, now I know I chose well :) Now, if I could just actually send it to you... then you might be happy.