Thanks to everyone for their kind comments about the puppy pj's - he hasn't even worn them to bed yet - due to typical toddler messes before I could even get him in the crib. But they're in the wash now and he will wear them soon!
Last week I was feeling in a funk about my sewing - I am so bored of my WIP's and didn't have any motivation to tackle them. So I decided to start a new project for a friend from college, a little girl quilt for her daughter. Here it is, the 9 Patch Lattice by Elizabeth Harman, pattern found

I pretty much finished the whole thing in 3 days - luckily Gregory took long naps and I had my husband look after him when my husband got home. I was very focused! I loved working with these fun fabrics - Urban Circus, Flora and Fauna, Mezzanine, Urban Zoologie, Children at Play, Garden Party, Pop Garden, etc.

I quilted it in a squiggly pattern where I purposely made loops that crossed over each other - it was actually not as easy as stippling and I don't think it looks terribly wonderful - but I am fine with it.

The backing is that Hallmark print that I bought at Marden's. When I went in August - I only picked up a yard. When my friend Alice was going to Marden's soon after I had went- I asked her to pick me up some more and I was so grateful when she brought back 5 yards for me! It's just the cutest fabric.

The quilt is bound in Michael Miller Ta Dot in Berry.
Now.... back to my WIP's!
I love this quilt!!! Such great colors, your quilting is amazing and the back totally makes the quilt;-)
Gorgeous colours and fabrics!!And I really love the backing too:)
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