Sunday, July 28, 2013

I'm Baaccckk......

I've truly missed blogging over these past several weeks but I had a lot of deadlines to meet and I didn't want to pop in with one of those posts where I said something like, "Yes, I am sewing but I can't show you anything yet, so here's a picture of my kids fingerpainting." 
I had a birthday, my sister stitched this up for me:

 I received some fabric and a few crafty books

These two really have been keeping me busy.  Sometimes I wonder if I will ever sew again!

Summer brings its distractions too, my parents live only 25 minutes away and we have been swimming every chance we get.  I also was addicted to this book and really got sucked into Burn Notice Season 6 (not my typical kind of choice for TV viewing - but it's good!).

Oh wait... I said I didn't want to do a non-crafty post.  I actually have been doing A LOT of sewing - I have completed 3 larger sized quilts, from start to finish, within the past month or so.  I'm kind of tired. 

Here's the first project that started with blocks like this:

84 crazy nine patch blocks, plus 5 yards of a large scale print, equal this:

It's a very simple, easy quilt to make and based on a design I did a while ago.  It is a perfect pattern to feature that large scale fabric that you just can't cut into tiny pieces. 

I backed it with one of my most favorite Amy Butler prints from her Daisy Chain line and bound it in a small green dot from my stash.  Laurena was kind enough to squeeze me in at her longarm studio at the last minute - I did a quick wavy line design with occasional swirls. 

This quilt was going to be published in a magazine, but just when I thought everything was settled, I learned that it would not be featured after all.  It was definitely disappointing news to learn but I am chalking it up to a "first world problem" and I have moved onto the next project.....  drum roll please.....  I have finished my oldest UFO!!!!  I will share that in my next post. 


alidiza said...

You know I LOVE a pink quilt:-) What a great way to use up scraps and yardage you love too much to cut!!!

MalinisQuilts said...

Beautiful quilt. You always do such amazing job. I love the pink big print, just beautiful!

Kids are adorable even if sometimes they don't let us sew ;).