Sunday, January 03, 2016

Last Finishes of 2015

Tomorrow Nick goes back to work and my sister is already on her way back to Ft. Collins.  I am definitely feeling the post-holidays blues.  It's been an awesome break with a lot of fun and not too much stress.  I don't want it to end! 

I managed to squeeze in a few more sewing projects before the end of 2015.  The Oliver and S Jump Rope dress was all the rage about 5 years ago.  There's even an archived sew-along on Sew Mama Sew.  Finding a paper copy of the now out-of-print pattern is no easy task but I luckily grabbed one on Etsy for a few dollars.  

Even though my daughter is a true size 4, I impulsively decided to make a size 5.  It was a lot of work, so I am glad it will last a little longer as she grows quickly.  

Her reaction to the dress was priceless, she was so thrilled and insisted on wearing it for our full day in Denver this past week.  She really loves this gem fabric (Natural History, designed by Lizzy House) and thinks it's relevant to her favorite Disney princess: Elsa.  I found this pattern very challenging- most notably the button placket on the front of the dress.  But it all came together relatively smoothly and I look forward to making this dress again.

Recently Gregory seemed a little jealous that I keep making his sister so many dresses.  He asked if I could make him a quilt for Christmas.  Sorry buddy.  If quilts came together as quickly as dresses do, I totally would have been on that!  But I know I garnered a few parenting points by making him this cute zip pouch to store some of his most favorite Legos.

The one priority of this vacation had been to finally put together my "DYO Sampler" quilt which is approximately 1 year and 7 months in the making....  I was able to put half of it together but I am going to take another break on it- this was frustrating thanks to all of the math and my imprecise piecing of the tulips on the bottom.  It's a bit wonky and I fear that if I force myself to press on immediately in putting the rest together, I will be careless and frustrated.  I promise to get back to it soon though- I so want this off my design wall!

So here's my final tally of fabric used in 2015.  Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts at Finish it up Friday.

Total stash fabric used in this post: 2.25 yards
Total stash fabric used since 1/1/15: 103.75yards
Total stash fabric used to date:  106 yards  


Kathy@KayakQuilting said...

Happy New Year! You are such a busy, productive mom! Love the dress on Charlotte! Watch out Mom, she looks like she could model this dress in front of a large crowd!

Jenny said...

Such a lovely little dress, and you are so right, your son wants something just for him. The little Lego pouch looks great!

Bernie Kringel said...

This dress is adorable. I used to like sewing for my kids when they were small. I have three boys and one girl. There was never a lot of choice sewing for the boys tho.
I love how you tracked the stash you used through the year. Very impressive!!