Sunday, April 17, 2016

Le Challenge: Fine

 For as long as I have been sewing, I've used a magnetic pincushion.  It broke around Christmas time and I couldn't find a replacement (I'll admit I didn't look very hard).  I started using the one and only handmade pincushion I have: this apple pincushion (pattern by Sandi Henderson).

I'm late to the game but I finally realized that the magnetic pincushions aren't necessarily superior to handmade pincushions.  I thought it was great that I could just "throw" the pins onto the magnet and not worry about it.  But this often led to pins on the floor and other undesirable landing spots.  And it broke- which is definitely not something that would happen to something like this cute apple:

For this month's theme, "fine" at Le Challenge, I decided to make a pocket pincushion.  The pattern comes from Heidi Staple's Sew Organized for the Busy Girl.  Handmade pincushions are just as "fine," if not better than, the magnetic pincushion I have been so loyal to.

For this project, I dug into my Liberty Lifestyle scraps as well as a F8 of Mochi Linen Dot in Sand.  I never know what to do with F8's but this was a perfect project for them!

Yesterday we had a major spring snowstorm in Colorado and all of my fun weekend plans were cancelled.  It was a bummer but my husband and I took advantage of being forced to stay home and we did a major spring cleaning.  Our house has never looked so good.  I didn't realize how bad it had gotten until we made it look so good!  A side benefit of our day was that I found these cute scissors that fit perfectly into this pocket pincushion and even match my fabrics!

Thanks for reading.  I also finished a longstanding WIP last night and will share that next.

Le Challenge


helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

I have that book , the pincushion is on my to do list . I was wondering - is throwing pins at a pin cushion an Olympic sport?

Lucy | Charm About You said...

So beautiful! Love the fabrics and you've styled it so nicely, clever coordination :) This is on my to do list as well... one day! Thanks for linking up to le challenge!

Sarah Fredette said...

Love that pincushion has a pocket!!! I usually throw my pins into the container they came in -- definitely not the husband's favorite option. :D

legato1958 said...

It's beautiful in your fabrics! Aren't these fun to make?!