Wednesday, September 14, 2016

New Fabric Pull

I am kind of forcing myself to work on WIPs lately- the space they are taking up is driving me a little insane.   But I recently couldn't resist a new fabric pull centered around some of my favorite colors: red and pink.  I decided to add in the dark brown to add contrast and not make it too Valentine's Day.

Now I am on the hunt for more of the dark brown "Kitty Dreams" Lizzy House Catnap fabric.  Any ideas?  Do any of you readers know of a local or online source?  And hopefully a more difficult question to answer, why is it so easy to fall in love with fabrics that are out of print and hard to find?!

During my search for this fabric, I came across an online fabric store that specializes in only selling cat fabrics.  Check it out.  You're welcome.

1 comment:

Sarah Fredette said...

How did I not know about that store??? :D I think I may have some of this in my stash -- I'll look tonight and let you know.