Wednesday, March 04, 2015

WIP Wednesday: Boy Quilt

The fun bag I received as part of the FRMQG swap gave me the color/fabric inspiration I needed to make a boy quilt for this baby.  I already had the necessary Cotton and Steel fabrics in my stash and I pulled several blenders for this project.  It's safe to say that my stash of navy fabrics is nearly depleted.  I bought a Fons and Porter 60 degree ruler at Joann's and this top was done in just two days.  Now I am waiting for some navy voile backing to arrive in the mail in order to finish this up.

We've had several chilly days in Colorado that have resulted in many preschool cancellations.  My son is been driving me a little nuts, he's been bored being house bound so often.  I finally came up with an idea to allow him to play in my fabric scraps one afternoon.  He is loving it and Charlotte's been having fun with it too.  It makes a mess but it's pretty harmless.  Since we moved here about a year ago, I have been throwing all of my scraps into two large tote bags that are now overflowing.  They seriously need to get organized but my procrastination will continue to serve the kids well for now.  File this activity under the heading, "fun things to do with scraps," right?

Linking up to WIP Wednesday.


dutchcomfort said...

Lovely colors and fabrics. I have a 60o triangle ruler for some time and you inspire me to cut into some of my precious fabrics!

Ruth said...

He definitely looks happy! Love the colours you've chosen and the areas of navy look really good. Really works in a triangle!

Natasha said...

Have you thought about having the kids sort the scraps by color? They could stay busy and be useful. :)

MalinisQuilts said...

Beautiful quilt! You're one super mama! scraps are always fun for kids :).
My daughter loves them too.