Monday, May 04, 2015

Gifts and Beginnings

 I have really missed sewing and this space lately!  I have had some non-serious health issues towards the end of this pregnancy that have really interfered with doing anything besides lying in bed.  Amazingly, I was spared gestational diabetes with this one (had it with my first two) but it's still not been smooth sailing.  I finally feel better today and am happy to be able to do a quick post here to catch up.

A few weeks ago I finished up two large quilts by renting some time on a long-arm in Ft. Collins.  I've decided to save the posts for those finishes for the upcoming Blogger's Quilt Festival.  Stay tuned!

Just after my trip to Ft. Collins, I had the pleasure of attending a mini retreat with a small group of friends from the Front Range Modern Quilt Guild.  We rented a house in Colorado Springs and sewed and socialized.  The sweet girls threw me a surprise baby shower on that Saturday night.  My friends made me these baskets filled with baby supplies and I also received boxes of diapers and gift cards.  It was so unexpected and generous.  I really haven't gotten much for this baby and it's a little depressing to think about all of the baby stuff I had to leave behind before we moved- so this was especially appreciated.

Several hours after the baby shower, I made the difficult decision to go home early from the retreat.  I just really wasn't feeling well and was unable to accomplish anything anyhow.  The only thing I did was cut out the lining pieces and quilt some panels for a Weekender bag.  It was so sad for me: retreats are my super productive happy place!!!  And this was the last one for me till the baby is weaned.

I received another handmade gift for the baby from a friend in MA: a beautiful handmade blanket.  My daughter really loves it, but I think she will be okay with sharing:

I made some time to do some sewing today but decided to keep it simple:

Remember that time when I was going to make myself a mini quilt for my sewing room and before I knew it, it became a king sized quilt top?  I am making a second attempt at that goal with the start of this churn dash block:

I also pulled out these leftovers from my Penny Patch quilt and made a 20" square destined to be a pillow.... maybe in time for SMS Giveaway Day......?

And just for fun, I will share this hilarious mosaic a friend shared with me to illustrate her belief that my husband looks like Prince William.  He's actually been told this about a dozen times before, usually by women in their 60's.

Finally, with lots of boredom resting, comes lots of internet surfing on my phone.  I really liked this post about stashing fabrics and this one about a "shrink test" with specifics on various fabric companies.  I will confess I also did a bit of online fabric shopping, I will share my spoils soon.  


Kay said...

I am so sorry that you had to leave early, I am sure you were really looking forward to the retreat too. The baby gifts are just lovely. Wishing you well, and as much happy sewing as you can manage. x

Anonymous said...

The photo collage of your husband an Prince William is so funny! Your shrinkage test sounds really interesting.