Friday, September 16, 2016

Strawberry Backpack for First Day of Preschool

One more completed bag to document and then I promise, I am really going to start working on more quilts!

Over the summer, I bought the book Lovely Little Patchwork of the IG destash.  Charlotte and I squealed over the cuteness of the pattern for the "Strawberry Backpack."  I told Charlotte I would make it for her first day of preschool....

And then September 11 came (Charlotte's first day of preschool was the 12th) and it was also my husband's birthday.... and Charlotte even told me, "I can just use my Hello Kitty backpack for school, it's okay."  But one thing I try to do as a parent, is honor my promises to my kids.  I want to be dependable.  So I stayed up late that night and finished the backpack at 11:59- just before midnight!

The front of the backpack is made completely out of scraps.  (I was grateful Charlotte eventually consented to a color combination of pink and red rather than her very favorite combination: pink and purple.)

This is the back:

I did a few modifications to the bag: I quilted the front with some batting and muslin backing, I added batting to the back exterior, I added woven interfacing to the leaf piece, and I used cording found in the home dec section of Joann's rather than going with double folded bias tape as recommended.

The leaf pattern had to be copied at some odd size like 136% or something and it didn't fit the piece of fabric it was meant to be traced on very well.  It may be due to an error in copying but I must add that I always find it annoying to visit a copy place before I can even begin to start my project.  Rant over.

So here's my little cutie on her first day.  I managed to convince her to wear her 2T Cattitude rollerskate dress as a tunic- so happy I don't have to retire it yet!

She's been using the backpack consistently at preschool, I kind of expected her to jump at the chance to use her store-bought Hello Kitty one... but I am not complaining.  The strawberry backpack is not super practical but so adorable!

Linking up with Scraptastic Tuesday.


Nicky said...

Lovely backpack ttall upstaged by the adorable wearer! She looks gorgeous and it is so lovely to have a photo memory of this great day. Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictueday.

Summer said...

I would so love to have one like this! Cute- and she wears it well ♥

Harriet Toothfighter said...

She's so cute. Good thing Clara doesn't know there's such a thing as a strawberry backpack and that moms make stuff like that. . . .