Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Odds and Ends

I haven't gotten a lot of sewing done lately.  I had a wake-up call to how disorganized I had become when it took me nearly 25 minutes to find my keys and I nearly missed a playdate with a friend.  I spent the next few days organizing and de-junking the house.  When I finally got back around to doing some sewing, I basted a UFO- only to undo it all after I realized a mistake I had made on the top.... Frustrating!

Anyway, I am scheduled to longarm this baby on Friday, can't wait!  I always try to have my binding made beforehand so that I can be hand-sewing it on the evening of the day I have quilted it.
 Slowly finding my embroidery/stitchy mojo - it's harder than it looks!
 I thought I had missed my chance to nab some of the quilting cotton Liberty but ended up getting them on a super sale!  I am SO glad I found some - I honestly would eat bread and water for a month in order to have these beauties!!!!  I already can't wait for the next collection.
 I went to an estate sale a few weeks ago - the woman who had passed away had been a sewer.  I should've taken a picture of the bins and bins of fabric lining the lawn.  Her family members running the sale had actually measured and labeled each piece!  I think the best stuff were her scraps- which they gave to me for free.
 I was also happy to get a boatload of vintage ric-rac - most of it tiny.  I hope that when I die, I burden my loved ones with quilts rather than too much fabric!!!
 I finally got around to taking a picture of my inspiration for my new blog name.  Turns out, there were 3 signs!

I will be back this weekend with my finished AMH Dreamweaver quilt! 


Jen said...

Yay, I can't wait to see that quilt all quilted. I've been thinking of making that pattern in some of my Tula Pink fabrics.

Jenny said...

liberty...super sale..where??

I love tag sales that include fabric! And I often wonder if ill leave the same legacy for my kids to deal with too!

MalinisQuilts said...

Wow! love all those fabrics.

I totally relate to you on the fabrics. In that past year I have accumulated so much fabric that it would last generations to come or at least life time for me.

Take it easy!
Hope you get more sewing time.

alidiza said...

Can't wait to see Dreamweaver all quilted and bound!!! Can I bequeath my stash to the BMQG;-)