Saturday, May 03, 2014

Finish it up Friday: Baby Shower Gift

I attended a baby shower this evening for a new mom.  Last night, I did a fabric pull- basing my choices off the AH cupcake fabric.  Such a unique color combination - I don't think I would've done this on my own- but it really works.  The funny thing is, I actually don't have a ton of girly novelty fabrics but I have SO much boy ones.  I guess I really let myself go wild when I had my son first.  

About 5 minutes after I was supposed to leave my house, these were done!  I was in such a rush- it's a miracle I took a picture.  I really need to make a few sets of these types of things to have in reserve for such occasions.

I used cute fabrics for the back - which I usually don't do.  But now they're reversible, which is a fun element to the project.  I also finally tried out some of my decorative stitches, stitched around two of the bibs.

These bibs are made via this tutorial on Sew She Sews, I make them a little differently by using a different template and slightly different measurements for the fabric pieces.  Linking up with Finish it up Friday and Sewjo Saturday.


Busy Little Quilter said...

The bibs are adorable. I know they will be loved (and used). :)

Run 'n Stitch said...

These are so sweet. Thank you for sharing!

ipatchandquilt said...

Fabulous Bibs! Sadly all of my friends already had their babies and I do not think there will be more in the future.
Lovely finishes!

Kwilt Krazy said...

Awe cute! Love the little cupcakes.

Cambridge Modern Quilt Guild said...

So cute! I will be a little bit sad when I age out of the new-mom bracket and have no one to do baby shower gifts for!