Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Marker Tote Part II

Just a quick post to share the second "marker folio" I made for my son.  I know I said I might not revisit this project but I just had to: my son loves to draw and it didn't seem fair to make one for his sister and not him.

Luckily, this one was far easier than the first one, it took about three hours instead of six.  I didn't touch the seam ripper once, I was able to refer to notes and measurements from my first one, and I cut the large peltex for the body of it an inch longer (lengthwise) and that helped a lot.

The far right pocket is tacked down on just the right corner to enable a coloring book to slide in the side and the sketch pad to hang over top.  I brought these $1 sketch pads to a copy store and had them spiral bind them on the top because the weak glue was coming apart on top really quickly after brief handling.  This was a much more affordable option than buying those expensive artist's sketch pads.

Here are the two folios together.  Despite ample procrastination, I am so happy I achieved my goal of making two handmade gifts for my children and it's not even Christmas Eve yet :)  I am especially hopeful that these will serve us well during church- quiet activities are a lifesaver there.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

MalinisQuilts said...

Such great handmade gifts for the kids! Hope you all had a merry christmas!