Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday Stash: Christmas Presents

I've tried to stay away from "fabric only" posts for quite some time- my family used to tease me that this blog was only about fabric and not enough about what I was actually making with it (they were right).  But I am going to make an exception for today to be able to share some fun additions to my stash.

This year, I planned ahead and saved up some money for the Black Friday sales.  If you buy fabric no other time of the year, waiting for Black Friday is so worth it!

Here are some of my choices from some recent Art Gallery collections: Priory Square, Utopia, and Geometric Bliss (plus a random Architextures print):

I bought most of the prints from Anna Maria Horner's Honor Roll line, but these four are my favorites:

I have been trying to stay away from complete FQ bundles but it was unavoidable with Mimosa.  A lot of the individual prints were sold out at Pink Castle and the bundle was 30% off, making the fabric average to less than $7 per yard.  I was a little skeptical about my choice, worrying that the prints might be too large scale or the tone of the colors might be too creamy, but I had a hunch that Mimosa was going to be special.  Now that I have finally seen it in person, I am in love and I can't wait to use it.

Out of all the fabrics I have received, this next picture shows my absolute favorites.  The prints on the left are smaller versions of the well known Wallflower print in GORGEOUS, hard to find colors, by Amy Butler for her True Colors collection.  The tiny whales are simply impeccable and will probably show up in dozens of my projects for years to come; a find from Pink Castle during their Japanese clearance sale.

Just when I had spent all my Black Friday nest egg, I learned that Craftsy was selling these Kona bundles for a song and free shipping.  A nearby LQS had these for $36 more!  I emailed the link to my mom as a Christmas idea for me and she came through.  I am thrilled- I think these are so fun and useful.  I received a Kona Sunrise bundle last Christmas and it's already been mostly used up in my Feathers quilt.

There is one more special Black Friday deal I indulged in, but I will save that for another day.  Linking up with Molli Sparkles Sunday Stash linky.


Anita said...

Gorgeous stash additions! I am happy for you that you got such great gifts! I admire your restraint with spending too. Good for you!

LA Paylor said...

lush fabrics. The solids bundle is almost too pretty as a sculpture to open and use! But not quite...
Leeanna at not afraid of color!