Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Christmas Stocking
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Red and Green
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Maybe I should take up knitting..........
Look at those hexagons! Gregory better be careful, his mom might claim this little turtle for her own (only because the pumpkin hat won't fit her.....) Just kidding.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Box Exchange 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The baby with the most blankets wins
I had made the blanket on the right before he was born- it's just a very simple receiving blanket- a sandwich of flannel. As Nick and I have been taking care of Gregory, we noticed that it was the perfect size to swaddle him in- about 45" by 54". I decided to makes some more, hence the muppets one and the little cars one. Joann's is having all of their flannel on sale for 1.50 per yard on Black Friday- I can't wait!
My little guy has SO many blankets thanks to my sewing and generous gifts of friends and family.
I am also working on a large adult sized quilt out of black, white, and yellow fabrics. I am in the tedious stage of doing all of the cutting- a task I hate. I will show the progress once I begin actually sewing.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Introducing Gregory Ryan born Oct 9 at 9.5 lbs, 22.5" long. I thought I would miss sewing when this little one came along, but I am too busy to miss it and I am loving being a mom. I am not abandoning my hobby by any means, but it definitely has a backseat to other demands right now. Stay tuned though, I will be posting more soon enough.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Manhattan Bag...
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
New Quilt
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Baby Quilt
So I made this blanket because I wanted to have something smaller to use with the baby considering the other quilts I have made are quite large. The fabrics are all from the Sock monkey series and perfectly gender neutral in my opinion. (Which reminds me, I cannot tell you how many people were/are shocked and appalled that we chose not to find out the gender of our baby- will my child really be okay if it's room is not painted pink or blue? I think it will be just fine.)
This pattern was EXTREMELY easy bytheway, I probably did the whole top in less than 2 hours. You can find how I did it here.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Just Kidding
Last Monday was the first Chelmsford quilt guild meeting of the year and they are doing the box exchange. I really want to participate again, so I hurried and gathered this collection of fabrics from my stash to include in my swap. I am really pleased with what I put together- especially considering that I tend to rely on a certain "line" or "collection" from a particular designer rather than pick and choose in combining prints.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Last post for a while.....
I figured I ought to get in one last post before the baby comes. I just attempted making one of these and failed miserably. Believe it or not, I am tired of making baby stuff, so if I have any energy available between now and when the baby comes- I think I am going to return to making purses and adult-size quilts for a while. I have no idea what to expect, but I am pretty much planning on taking a major sewing break once the baby comes but I am also optimistic that stopping work full time might afford me a little more time (eventually) to be creative- there's always nap time, right?
I finally finished all the burp cloths- 34 to be exact. I don't plan on using them all for myself (meaning for my baby of course :) - I kind of went a little overboard in making so many but I did so to use up the flannel and scrap pieces of batting I had as well as it is a good project for when I feel tired and like not taking on a big project.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Birdie Sling
Monday, September 14, 2009
Nursery Revealed
my only complaint was that the pattern claimed the curtain should only take 2 hours. Yeah right! It takes that long to just sew the sides- which required hand sewing. Anyway, I am really pleased with how they came out.
On this curtain, I originally had two different colors of ribbon going down the seams - chocolate brown and apple green but ended up sewing brown on top of the green because the brown looked so much better. It really beat having to seam-rip it all out.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Nursing Cover
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Baby Stuff
It was REALLY easy and took me less than an hour to make. It's lined with Chenille, made out of one of Michael Miller's Tada Dot prints.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Birthday Presents
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Queen Sized Quilt
Thursday, August 06, 2009
What I have Been Up To
These sweet sweaters were knitted by a friend of mine. The picture doesn't capture the "apple green" of the first sweater. I love them!
More posts coming soon!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Latest project and awesome yard sale find
Hello everyone! Sorry it's been a while since I posted last. Things have gotten busier with having Nick back in town. I am not sewing as much because it still feels like a novelty to have him around and we have been having fun playing board games, going on dates, going to yard sales, and keeping up with our "side business" of selling books, music, and movies online. I think I am also sewing less because I have entered the fatigue zone of the third trimester where it's not comfortable to sit or stand too long and a full day at work zaps most of my energy, thus I am less productive in the evenings. But I have a zillion things I want to do! They include:
- Using up a lot of my batting/stuffing that I have loads of from yard sales (Nick forbids me to buy anymore but I can't resist, plus it's funny to see the look on his face when I show him yet another bag of polyester stuffing). I really want to make lots of burp cloths and pillows. I really need to get going on this because of the need to clean out the craft room soon!
- I started another Amy Butler Birdie Sling with a friend of mine. All the pieces are cut, I just need to attach the interfacing before I go to her house tomorrow to hopefully finish it up.
- I have a few purses that need the hole in the lining sewed up, or magnetic snap closures inserted (something I couldn't do without Nick's help because those suckers are not easy to install).
- I really want to finish the quilt that I showed started from the previous post because I am itching to have something new for the bed.
- I want to make more baby stuff for myself: burp cloths, bibs, a portable changing pad, nursing cover, etc. I am even debating a simple curtain to go with the boy/girl sets I have made.
- I need to put binding on the boy/girl quilts I recently received back from the longarm quilter- I am thrilled with her work and can't wait to make the blankets complete!
I could probably make a very long list of the free online tutorials I want to do, but researching that out is a project in and of itself.
We had our last sewing group before the summer recently and it was a huge success. A friend of mine did an awesome job organizing everything and we had the highest attendance yet. We made breakfast themed felt food and it is adorable, easy, and very affordable. Here's the set I came home with:
I came home with at least 30 unfinished strawberries, just because there was a lot extra. I find it relaxing to make them while I am watching a movie or something (each one takes about 5 mins of hand sewing). This activity was such a hit, I think it would be fun to do "lunch" and "dinner" themed felt food in the future.
Finally, here's probably the best crafty yard sale find I have found yet:
Isn't it gorgeous? I know the picture is not great, but it will do. I am thrilled! The fabrics look like they are from the 1940's - it's in impeccable shape, no stains, tears. It's ready to go. I am going to get some backing for it on my next Marden's trip and just get it done. The most shocking thing about it is that when I found it, I told Nick- hey, I don't care if this is $20-$30 (which would be a steal in and of itself, but it is a lot to spend in a yard sale when we mostly spend a dollar here and there) and then the lady sold it to me for $1.50!!!!! I couldn't get my money out fast enough!
I hope to be posting more soon....