Saturday, December 03, 2011

Bird Bath Sherbet Pips Quilt

I couldn't do much yesterday after exhausting myself with the long-arm - so I watched Babe with my 2 year old and after he went to bed, Nick and I watched 3 episodes of Alias. Lots of TV watching while I hand sewed the binding down on this quilt: I started this quilt in June and it feels like it has taken me forever to finish it - but I know that 5-6 months isn't that bad. I had wanted to challenge myself by making lots of pieced blocks - 21 pieces per block makes for a lot of sewing.

The pattern I used, Bird Bath, came from Elizabeth Hartman's The Practical Guide to Patchwork: New Basics for the Modern Quiltmaker. I can't recommend this book enough as well has her blog - it seems like I do a lot of her patterns and tutorials.

I made the process of this quilt extra tedious because of my choices to fussy cut the center blocks and using over 100 different fabrics from my stash - every block is unique.

I rented time at a long arm quilting studio to stipple the quilt in light pink variegated thread.

I backed the quilt in the grey scooter Sherbet Pips print and added several inches of a Henry Glass print to the top and bottom of the backing piece. I bound the quilt in a SP scarf print.

If you look carefully at this picture, you can see the seam line for joining the two large backing pieces. I didn't do this on purpose, but I think it's hilarious that the brunette and blonde scooter boy are joined almost perfectly in several spots, making him look like he has a very interesting hair dye job.
I love this quilt and I am keeping it for myself. It will probably be a while before I take on another project like this that requires such a significant time commitment. I did get pretty tired of working on it along the way!


Jeannette Bruce said...

Congratulations on your finish. I'm sure you will have nice memories when you use this quilt for years to come. You will say to yourself remember when I stood at that long arm for hours on end six months pregnant! Good on you for getting it finished:)

Aimee said...

Beautiful job Laurie!! I love it! And 5 months is nothing - my Pips quilt is still in a zillion pieces! Can't wait to see this one in person!

Karamat said...

Beautiful quilt!! 5 months isn't bad... I haven't even cut into my Sherbet Pips yet.

Splendorfalls said...

It's gorgeous!!