Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Your Andover contest ends tomorrow

 I will never be a politician, but I feel like I have been on a campaign this past week.  This whole "Your Andover" contest is fueled by popularity.  When notified of making it to the finals, I was told to get my "friends and family" to vote for me - most of whom don't even know what Pinterest is or even have an account.  That is why I haven't shutup about it on this blog and I am calling in lots of favors with quilters and bloggers alike.  I kind of hate the whole process but I am playing the game.  So, if you haven't already, please vote for my quilt here (you can "like" it once and "repin" as often as you want) and if you really want to do me a huge favor - please mention it on FB, Twitter, your blog, etc.  So many of you already have gotten the word out and I truly appreciate it.  This torture, win or lose, will be finally over tomorrow - 11 AM EST. 

1 comment:

cherie godbey said...

Pinned again, good luck!