Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Front Range Modern Guild Retreat 2014

The retreat last weekend was perfection.  It was fun, relaxing, productive, and I enjoyed getting to know the other guild members.  We stayed at The Hideaway:

The scenery was gorgeous and I didn't want to leave.

There were 22 of us from the Springs/Denver areas.  So many different styles of quilting and stages of life but we all got along and had a great time together.

A bunch of ladies decided to do a sew-along of a stuffed owl pincushion/organizer.  They all did a great job.
I decided not to participate because I had already made owls for the kids recently.

On Friday night, I decided to work on a queen sized Penny Sampler with my stash of Flower Sugar fabrics and black and whites.  I made all of the four patches that I will need for the quilt.  But I wasn't loving the project- the piecing was a bit redundant and I knew I wouldn't be able to work on the project for the whole weekend because the available design wall was too small.

On Saturday morning, I decided to attempt the paper piecing arrow quilt.  I found that I wasn't monopolizing the ironing station(s) or cutting area (I brought my own mat)- as I had feared- so I just went for it.  By the end of the weekend, I had 8 of the 10 columns completed.  I think this is a great project for beginner paper piecers like me: it's just a bunch of angles and nothing like the amazing and complicated blocks paper piecers are known for.

Life has been a roller coaster lately.  I had an amazing, rejuvenating time at the retreat and was feeling good about my cross country move.  On Monday, I took the kids to the park and had an extremely unpleasant encounter with a self proclaimed "soldier" who effectively bullied my son and I.  I found an escape by meeting a friend in Denver last night for her book signing (more on that soon!) and ended up stuck in a bad snowstorm- which made me turn around and rejoin my friend at her hotel for the night.  I am going to take it easy today and I am going nowhere with the kids- and maybe, just maybe, I might be able to finish up my last two columns of the arrows quilt!  It will be the best stress reliever for sure.

Thanks for reading!


happydaysquilting said...

Retreat looked awesome, I love your arrow quilt and I hope you get off the roller coaster soon :)

Sarah Fredette said...

Yay for quilts and friends! Boo for bullying. So sorry that happened to you. But I'm so happy you got into the retreat and had a nice time!!

Jen said...

Sounds like you had a great time at the retreat. I love your arrow quilt and can't wait to see it finished.

Stephanie said...

Glad you had a great retreat - that scenery really is gorgeous! Sorry about your lousy park experience - at least it sounds like there's a lot of good to outweigh the bad :)

Melissa said...

Laurie!! What an awful start to the week after such a great weekend! Boo on "soldier" bullies. He shouldn't be allowed at that park! Jerk. I'm glad you got to see your friend in Denver, though. That's good. And I'm glad you had a great time at the retreat. Your Feathers quilt is gorgeous!! Hopefully this week is taking a better course now. :-)

Tina in Boston said...

Who is this "soldier" and where does he live? JK, LOL. Some soldier, bullying a mother and her children. In any event, you got through it. It's wonderful to have a friend in a time of need. I love your arrows quilt! And awesome that you got to go to the book signing!

Tina in Boston said...
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Tina in Boston said...

Oh and such pretty scenery. Am happy that you had a great time at the retreat!