Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Baskets: Divided Basket Pattern

 Despite my trepidation, I went ahead and made two divided baskets for my children for Easter.  I got in a little bit of a funk this week (missing family and friends back in New England) and used this new sewing challenge as a way to focus and feel better.  Sewing can be a great coping skill, right?!

I used some precious stash: two Laurie Wisbrun favorites.  This year, I am trying to not hold back when it comes to using my favorite fabrics.

The pattern was pretty straightforward and I like their structured look.  The donkey one looks a little better because it was my second one.  I found that using a free-arm is pretty essential to make the top look neat.

Requiring a full yard of the interfacing and fusible fleece is quite generous - expect to have a lot leftover. having such a surplus didn't bother me though, as it meant one less repeat trip to Joann's.

I lined the baskets with some Madrona Road and a nursery line called Little Things.  Aren't those grey raindrops perfect with the donkeys?!

A head cold and a very early wake-up resulted in Nick staying home from church with the kids, so no cute dresses or suit picture this year.

I hope everyone else had a nice weekend and lovely Easter.


MalinisQuilts said...

Oh my, these basket as so lovely and so are you cute kids!
Looks like they're really proud of mama!

Belated Easter wishes!

Rosa said...

These baskets are just beautiful!!

Cambridge Modern Quilt Guild said...

Soooo cute! The booted donkeys are too much!

Melissa said...

Those baskets are adorable!! I, too, adore everything LW designs. :) I'm sorry you were missing family, but love that you have such a great outlet in sewing to bring you out of your funk. :)
My schedule is a little off-kilter, but if you ever want to grab lunch or meet at a park so the kids can play, let me know! :)

Harriet Toothfighter said...

Laurie! Such cute baskets! If it makes you feel any better, I've been missing having you here. I even renamed the playground by your old place in your honor. It's just not as fun to go to the Laurie Memorial Park when you're not there.

Fran said...

Those fabrics work perfectly for the baskets! So cute.