Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mini Quilts

I finally got the courage to tackle the appliqueing of the hexagon mini quilt onto a rectangle of some background fabric. I literally thought about how to do this for weeks. The issue was that the basting thread and papers were not removed from the outer hexagons and I needed to remove them without losing the shape of the hexagons. I finally realized that my best friend would be spray starch. I sprayed the whole piece and ironed it - I did this three times. Then I snipped the basting stitches with a seam ripper and pulled the string and papers out. The hexagons remained so stiff that I did not even need to use pins to keep them in shape as I machine stitched the edge of the whole piece. I completed this mini quilt recently. The star is a paper-pieced block that we completed in a BMQG meeting last summer. I quilted it at the retreat. I have no idea what I am going to do with it. It screams "teenage girl" to me, or worse, "teeny-bopper" - themes which I am trying not to use as I decorate my house. But I will confess, I still like it.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Cute Laurie! Great idea on the hexes!